Bridging interdisciplinary fundamental and clinical cancer research
The main objective of the ONCOLille institute is to develop an ambitious interdisciplinary research on the themes of tumor resistance and dormancy by bringing together biology, physics, microtechnologies, chemistry, mathematics, bioinformatics, statistics, health technologies and social and human sicences. For that , we develop a strong fundamental and pre-clinical cancer research to transfer the results to the clinics for the benefit of the patients.
The aim of the first « ONCOLille Days » congress is to address the fundamental issues of cancer biology from the role of resistance and plasticity in tumor heterogeneity, tumor behavior and therapy failure, by identifying molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways, the alterations in cell metabolism, and how we can improve targeted therapies and better approach and identify/stratify tumor lesions using artifical intelligence and computational systems. Being interdisciplinary, we will devote a session to innovative technologies and microtechnologies for cancer and finally two sessions on cancer and labour force and on psychosocial oncology via interventional research as these may impact on medical and psycho-social care and cancer costs.

Registrations are now closed.
Please join us at the Huriez Hospital - Research Center. Check out the map:
Welcome check in will take place in the lobby.
Conference will be in the Lyderic Amphitheater.
Poster and coffe break in the Atrium.
Gala reception and visit of the Palais des Beaux Arts Museum